Monday 25 June 2012

Goodbye freshmen year.

Semester two had been really chaotic, well maybe it's just to me since i've been "devoting" myself with some unnecessary crap that it distracts & injures me physically, mentally and even emotionally badly so I decided to leave it all behind when all i know is can barely survive anymore knowing the fact that it's heartrending to still holding on. It leads me to nowhere...and more to the darker side i can see which is not really what i want to see myself in the next 5 years. It's already too late when i realized that i should actually let go. Should've realised it sooner, so yeah whatever come crashing me i just have to deal and face it. It'll be ugly, that's for sure. Just bring it on :-)

So yeah, a change for a start. They say you are what you i'm gonna look "decent" so decent things will make it's way to me. Decent things as in good company, good result, good opportunities, good guy and so on. Har har :P

Black hair for a start.. say hi.

Will blog more for this 3 months of semester break, so yeah. Wait for it :P

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